Estimated Tax Payments
If you estimate that you will owe $200 or more in tax (after credits and withholding, if any), then you should make quarterly estimated payments.
These estimated payments may be required if you have taxable income that is not subject to withholding, if you have business income in an Ohio municipality and/or if you owe additional tax to the municipality where you reside. Common examples include: lump sum payments related to employment, self-employment income, or other sources of income not subject to employer withholding.
If you are required to make estimated payments and do not, you may be subject to penalty and interest.
Due dates of Estimated Taxes
Please note that Filing Due Dates for Individual Estimated Income Tax are the same as the IRS. If a specific due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the deadline is automatically extended to the next business day.
Penalty and interest may be imposed for late or non-payment of your estimated payments.
Pay Estimated Taxes
RITA offers the following payment options:
- Checking or Savings Account
- Visa™, Master Card™ or Discover Card™
Please note that a 2.75% Service Charge will be added to payments made by credit card. Payments made by check or via ACH will not incur this service charge.
Pay Online
Login to MyAccount 24/7 to make estimated tax payments.
Make a one-time payment without creating an account by using FastPay.
Pay by Phone
Estimated tax payments can be made over the phone with our 24/7 self-service options at 800.860.7482.
Pay by Mail
Estimated tax payments can be made using Form 32 EST-EXT Section 2.
Calculate Estimated Taxes
If you file your taxes through MyAccount, the estimate will automatically be set-up based on your current year filing.
If you have already filed your taxes and did not set up an estimate or if you would like to adjust your current estimate, login to MyAccount and select “File and Pay”. The “View and Amend Estimate” option allows you to view any current estimate on file, payments made towards your estimate and any balance due on the estimate.
Use Form 32 EST-EXT to manually report your estimate and submit by mail to RITA.
Ohio Municipal Estimate Tax Laws
State of Ohio Laws governing Estimated Tax Payments can be found at ORC 718.08 Estimated taxes.